Cottonwood – Highland Circle
I grew up on Highland Circle in Cottonwood Utah. Here is a photo of that wonderful old home. This home was built by my grandfather Bagley and remodeled by my mom and dad after I was born in 1950. We moved here in 1951, when I was one year old. This is a view from the East.
Thanks to my brother Ron for these photos. He was the picture-taker of the family.
My bedroom occupies the room with the two windows on the left (South). Ron and Ken’s bedroom occupied the room with the two windows on the right side (North).
This is a view from the southeast.
This is a view from the south. The field from which this photo was taken, was where we grew sweet corn which we sold to the neighbors.
My bedroom window is on the right side. I had three windows, two facing east and one facing south. My dad’s den was west of my room, but his window is hidden by the tree.
East Millcreek – Parkview Drive
When I was 14 we moved to this home on Parkview Drive in the Mt Olympus Cove area. This is my lovely mother.
This is a view from the north with Mt. Olympus in the back. we held many parties on this porch during the summer. The kitchen window is to the right of the door. The dining room, is in the corner on the West side.
This is another view of the home, with the mountain behind it. My bedroom is behind the window on the left. It was a spacious bedroom. Perhaps not as big as my room on Highland Circle, but still very nice.